A blue star of david is shown in this image.
A blue star of david is shown in this image.
A blue star of david is shown in this image.
The Gaston Levant
Messianic Foundation, Inc.

A Private Non-Profit Organization.
We do not seek public funding.

A blue star of david is shown in this image.
A blue and white picture of a star of david.

A true Jew Speaks to the Israelites

… true Jew because he never
abandoned true Judaism

A blue and red poster with a menorah on it


In writing this manuscript himself, the author demonstrates, via the Torah and the prophets (that is, the Tanach), why and how the chosen people were detracted from the only path traced by the Eternal.

Written by Gaston Levant, son of: Moise Lewandowski and Rachel Birembaum

Telling the Story of God, His Prophets,
and the Jewish People

The organization’s mission is to touch the hearts of the Jewish people who believe in God, but who may not be completely familiar with His authentic words.

A black background with a white circle in the middle.

The Most Sensational Discovery of My Life

Why and how God’s chosen people have been detoured from the only path traced by the Eternal. Learn this authentic fact by the Torah and the prophets, which is to say, by the Tanach, the direct word of God.

A black background with a white circle in the middle.

The Torah

If you are Jewish and believe in the Hebrew scriptures, you have learned, either through family tradition, attending synagogue, or going to Hebrew schools, that the Torah is comprised of the first five books of our Holy Scriptures (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy). The Torah is the law given to us by God for how we should live our lives.

A shelf with three books and a plant
A black background with a white circle in the middle.

The Tanach

The Tanach, comprising 39 books, includes the Torah and the writings of the Prophets. Both Jews and Christians know the Tanach as the Old Testament.

A black background with a white circle in the middle.

The Talmud

The Talmud is a commentary on our Holy Scriptures comprising 62 tractates (sections) divided into 532 chapters, all written in Mishnaic Hebrew. They contain the teachings, but most importantly, the opinions of rabbis, dating back to the first century. They are a collection of memorized biblical comments transcribed into books. The Talmud is considered sacred and routinely read aloud in synagogues worldwide.

A black background with a white circle in the middle.

Important Distinction

The Torah is the word of God, whereas the Talmud is the word of men. Throughout his manuscript, the author quotes from the Torah and the Prophets, which is to saythe Tanach, the direct word of God.

About the Manuscript

The original Manuscript was personally handwritten in 1981 by Gaston Levant, a Jew in his middle age, at the time of his writing, and a man of little faith prior to writing his book.

His calligraphy, which is fast becoming a lost art, is beautiful. We are making a downloadable copy of his original French manuscript for free.

Mr. Levant died on January 18, 2000, at the age of 70, but the words he left behind in this manuscript are amazing. The book is an extraordinary read. The research and cross-references he makes using the Torah, the Talmud, the Jewish people, and Hebrew history are truly remarkable.